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The ‘Hamerschen Herde’ (HH)

Herbal Tinctures and Supplements
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Herbal Tinctures and Supplements
Hulda Clark Cleanses

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The ‘Hamerschen Herde’ (HH)

THE "NEW MEDICINE" by Dr. med. Ryke Geerd Hamer
The ‘Hamerschen Herde’ (HH)
Extract from Summary oft the New Medicine

Ever since the introduction of brain CT’s, aggregations of glial tissue that are easy to colour with contrast media, have usually been misdiagnosed as brain tumors.

In 1982, a year after the discovery of the Iron Rule of Cancer, I found a Hamerschen Herd (HH) of gigantic proportions in a prospective patient with a territorial conflict who had suffered a heart infarction and was in the epileptoid crisis. From that moment, I knew that these could not be brain tumors but a phenomenon that must be associated with the healing phase of a biological conflict.

Hamerschen Herd is a term originating from my opponents who derogatorily named the structures I had found in the brain ‘comical Hamer Foci’. I started to observe these HH’s with meticulous care and soon recognized those that were apparently activated at the start of the healing phase.

Since I had discovered the law of the two phased-ness of disease, I knew that every developing healing phase has had a corresponding conflict-active phase.

Unfortunately for many patients, the repair of HH’s in the healing phase occurs through an accumulation of connective tissue glia cells. This creates an increased rigidity of the (brain) tissue but (the patient) remains free of complication as long as another conflict does not take place in the same location.

However, enormous difficulties arise:

1. With respect to cancer - which I concentrated on at the time because I thought I had merely discovered the mechanisms of its origin - it was not common to have CT’s of the brain done unless there were grounds to suspect a brain metastasis. It was difficult in particular cases to obtain a brain CT because its high cost could not be justified. One was really lucky if a series of CT’s of the brain could be obtained.

2. I immediately began work on establishing a topography of HH’s in the brain. This was difficult because what I saw in the brain could well be the result of an old and resolved process, unrelated to the patient’s current conflict. I also didn’t know whether or not the patient had any other undiagnosed carcinomas - a strong possibility with respect to processes connected to biological conflicts occurring in the present.

3. I found overlapping conflicts with similar conflict contents, which I know today to have covered several relays with one single HH. This means that the patient suffered one or more conflicts with various conflict aspects that had all impacted in the same second of the DHS, resulting in a large HH.

At the same time there were patients who had several HH’s in very different locations in the brain. However, these had one thing in common where the patient demonstrated all the symptoms of a resolved PCL phase.

4. There had to be formations in the brain that corresponded to all these HH’s in the healing phase - formations that would identify conflicts in the active phase. Sometimes I saw circles that looked like target-rings, but radiologists smilingly rejected them as circular artifacts created by the equipment. I also saw semicircular structures and those limited by the lateral frame of the CT.

5. Co-operation from radiologists was practically non-existent. Some of them had radiation equipment and practised so-called radiation therapy. These former colleagues could not afford to consider that my results had any validity. The rest told me point-blank – and not many radiologists had CT equipment at the time - that they would stop getting work from clinics the moment they considered my theories. Orders for CT’s were normally exclusively to look for a brain tumor or a brain metastasis.

6. Since I had no access to any CT equipment, I was unable to do any systematic research or repeat an investigation from a different angle. We only got what ‘fell from the master’s table’, and that was not much. Patients were frequently not given copies of their CT’s and the written findings were of no use.

7. However, I was familiar with the HH’s, or what I thought to be HH’s, that related to the healing phase. I postulated that they must already have existed in the conflict active phase. Radiologists who said they saw nothing would not accept this conclusion.

8. I saw many HH’s but could not associate them with any cancer. These were the motoric, sensory and sensory-periosteal relays in the brain that did not cause cancer at the organ level but might signify a cancer equivalent, something I had not counted on. That is why I often found many more HH’s than I was looking for and in the cases where a patient had only one conflict and no resolution, I could not find anything.

A patient often had a gigantic tumor but ‘nothing’ in the brain CT. Others might have a small tumor in the healing phase and a swollen HH in the brain. I could do nothing but follow the path of all scientists. Employing 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration, I compared all the available brain CT’s and their corresponding or seemingly corresponding organ findings, with other brain CT’s which had different organ findings.

Another difficulty in those early days was not distinguishing left and right-handedness. In hindsight, I know that I probably made mistakes when I didn’t start from the organ. The correlation from brain to organ or from organ to brain is always unequivocal. It is in the correlation between psyche and brain or brain and psyche that left and right-handedness is important.

For example: a right-handed woman with an identity conflict in the healing phase will get hemorrhoids, as will a left-handed man with a territorial anger in the healing phase. If I see an HH on the left side of the cerebrum at a specific site on the temporal lobe, with edema, then the patient is always suffering from hemorrhoids - i.e. ulceration of the squamous epithelium of the rectum in the healing stage. In reverse, if the patient is suffering from rectal ulceration in the healing phase - i.e. hemorrhoids - then there is an HH at this position in the left temporal lobe in the healing phase.

Later on, having looked at hundreds and then thousands of brain CT’s, I learned the difference between cancers and cancer equivalent diseases and learned to establish the true location - specifically the correlative topography - to the organ. I must also emphasize that there are many bodily functions - as, for example the sensitivity of the periosteum that covers the whole skeletal system - where the CT’s only show a white spot on the map of the brain and on the map of the organs. This is because examination of the periosteum is difficult, if not impossible. There is nothing in the textbooks on the sensitivity of the periosteum.

The ring-formations in brain CT’s, misinterpreted by radiologists for fifteen years
The controversy remained regarding the ring formations that exist but are only observable in approximately one per cent of patients. I have called these ‘HH’s in a target configuration’, and they indicate a conflict active phase and must be understood as such. With the exception of a few very clear formations, the radiologists treated them as nothing but artifacts produced by the equipment, and disputed my identification.

For many years this phenomenon was simply ignored. I finally had a good idea, justifying my earlier extensive studies in physics. I presented myself to Mr. Feindor, head of the CT division of Siemens. After a pleasant discussion I asked him if we could both establish the criteria for when something was an artifact and when it was not. Mr. Feindor, an engineer, had no problems in establishing the conditions under which it would be possible to fulfill or not to fulfill one or other case. This took place on the 18th of December 1989. On the 22nd of December, the final protocol was signed. There was real panic among neuro-radiologists. We felt it in the New Year when we planned a set of tests to be undertaken at Siemens. I asked Mr. Feindor to allow me the use of the equipment in Erlangen to run a series of tests for about four weeks. We would invite a group of neuro-radiologists and show them that the demonstrated cases could not be artifacts but factual findings.

The appointed date was postponed again and again until finally a Siemens’ representative told me they were having the most incredible difficulties with the radiologists. Disapproval was undoubtedly being voiced.

In preparation for the conference, we carried out all the studies originally stipulated with Siemens, such as moving the CT-Scan patient 2 cm to the right from centre or to the left of centre to determine whether the target configuration would stay in the same place on the brain, which it actually did. We also tried to carry out distance control wherever possible by systematically checking with different equipment to determine which setting showed the target configuration.

A dependable criterion for a real finding was if the target configuration only appeared in a determined number of layers but not in others. These studies, which took a lot of time, effort and persuasion of the radiologists, led us to an amazing discovery: one of the radiologists indicated that they really must be artifacts, because he had also seen them on organs.

From that moment, I was intensely interested in target configurations on organs and began systematically to look for them. I found that target configurations that can be seen on the compact organs on which we can do CT’s - the liver, the spleen, the parenchyma of the kidneys, bones, etc. – are only visible at the beginning. They eventually become visible again when the bone re-calcifies. So was revealed the astonishing fact that the brain and the organ often have target configurations in simultaneous correspondence and the target configuration on the organ has a specific development. The classical target configuration on the liver can only be seen at the start of a solitary liver carcinoma. The solitary liver carcinoma later gets dark on the CT and can no longer be identified as such. When natural healing occurs through tuberculosis, calcification-rings can be seen - particularly if the site has not become cavernous, i.e. if there is no hole in the liver - especially in cases where the liver carcinoma has stopped growing halfway and the natural tubercular healing has only had to thin down the solitary nodule.

The head-brain and the organ-brain
In considering the matter correctly, on one side is the well-known head-brain and on the other are the organ cells, all of which have a cell nucleus. The organ cells are connected to each other and to each cell nucleus, indicating a mini-brain networking with all the mini-brains of the body.

The sum total of these mini-brains can be regarded as a second brain, so that in a biological conflict, an area of the brain called the HH enters into correspondence with an area of the body. This was called cancer, cancer equivalent or organ change.

In the case of a sensory stimulus, information flows from the organ brain to the head brain. It is the reverse with a motor response where the information and commands flow from the head brain to the organ brain. However, we do not know exactly what takes place electro-physiologically at the cellular level either in the brain or on the organ or what takes place in the overlapping areas or relays. On the other hand, this knowledge is not a prerequisite to our working with these distinct findings.

The Hamerscher Herd in the CA-phase and the PCL phase
At the moment of a DHS, the corresponding specific brain relay is marked with a target configuration. These are sharp circles that form around the centre of the relay and look like targets. ‘Target-configuration’ means the HH is in the conflict-active phase.

The location is not accidental and is the computer relay that the individual associates with the contents of the conflict in the moment of the DHS. At the very same second, the organ correlated to this HH is impacted with cancer. Amazingly, we can also establish this impact on the organ through a target configuration on the compact organs that can be scanned, such as the liver, the spleen, bones and kidneys, etc.

With the advancing conflict, the HH in the brain also progresses. The impacted area keeps growing in size or the area becomes more and more intensely altered. As the cancer advances, the tumor grows bigger through real cell mitosis (for the endoderm), or through larger necrosis (for the mesoderm) or more ulcerated and expanded through many small ulcers (for the ectoderm).

In my first pocket edition (1984) of ‘Krebs - Krankheit der Seele, Kurzschluss im Gehirn...’ (‘Cancer, Disease Of The Soul, Short-Circuit In The Brain’) I described HH’s in the conflict-active phase as ‘short-circuits’ because we knew nothing of the bioelectric processes. I no longer call them this because a short-circuit is generally considered to be a ‘disturbance of the program. This is only partially true in the case of an HH. We could call it a disturbance of the normal program, but one for which the organism is already prepared in the possibility of an event.

However, even the word ‘disturbance’ is not really adequate for this ‘emergency’ or ‘extraordinary’, program. When an individual gets caught ‘on the wrong foot’ in a situation not anticipated, an emergency program is set in motion, what we call a ‘biological conflict,’ whose aim it is to return the individual to his normal rhythm. This program can apply not just to individuals but depending on the situation, to several individuals, an entire family or even a tribe.

An example: a mother sees her 3-year old son have an accident and lose consciousness right before her eyes. If this is a DHS for the mother, it causes a biological conflict, specifically, a mother-child worry-conflict. This conflict has particular significance on three levels. On the psychological level all her mental and physical activity circles around restoring health to the child. At the cerebral level, if the woman is right-handed, there is a target-like HH on the right side of the cerebellum showing an active mother-child conflict. On the organic level, the breast gland tissue of the mother’s breast is growing, increasing the size of the left breast to some extent. It is common in nature and in primitive societies for the mother to produce more milk so that the child can heal faster. When the child is well and the conflict-solution sets in, the extra milk-glands are no longer needed because the child can make do with the regular amount of milk. The return to normal results in the mother getting tuberculosis and the child receiving tuberculotic milk that does not harm him. The tuberculosis caseates the newly grown breast gland cells and breaks them up. What remains is a cavity.

What are these HH’s in the brain that are already in a healing phase when they are visible but are called brain tumors or brain metastases by radiologists? When they are less clearly marked, they elicit only perplexity. The HH’s that show marked perifocal edema and take contrast medium well are identified as rapidly growing tumors, but if there is a marked edema and no visible HH, as usually happens with medullary HH’s, then again there is general helplessness among radiologists. If the HH’s are on the cortex, they are then misdiagnosed as inflammation of the meninges; however they are all one and the same - different stages in the development of an HH.

The HH’s in the conflict-active phase, namely, in target configuration, have been misinterpreted as artifacts inherent to the equipment. Later on, as they develop edema and become the so-called brain tumors, the radiologists do not bother to establish that the supposed brain tumor had already been visible in target configuration, i.e. as an HH in the conflict-active phase. The signing of the protocol with Siemens mentioned at the beginning of this chapter finally put an end to the controversy regarding the alleged artifacts. They are now facts: a target configuration means a conflict-active phase in a specific relay or group of relays in the brain.

There are no brain tumors by definition: under no conditions whatsoever can brain cells divide after birth, not even under conditions diagnosed until now as brain tumors. What can multiply is glia, the connective tissue of the brain, which has exactly the same function as the connective tissue in the body. No one can place the developmental-evolutionary history of glial cells with any certainty. Based on their role in the brain, there is a strong suspicion of a mesodermal origin for them. On that basis, it would follow that the glial structures occur only in the healing phase in the brain relays. We know, on the other hand, that neurofibromas originate in the conflict active stage and consequently cause cell multiplication. This is not a contradiction, however, since we know that the mesoderm covers the organs directed by the cerebellum as well as those directed by the cerebral medulla. The first generates cell multiplication in the conflict-active phase while the second generates cell multiplication in the healing phase. We have to accept, therefore, that gliomas have both capabilities of the mesoderm. These clear HH’s, dense with glial cells, are the repair works of the organism on the HH. They represent grounds for relief, not fear and an operation on the brain.

Let us retrace this development:
When a DHS occurs, the appropriate relay centre in the brain is marked and the HH takes on a target configuration. If we see this target configuration on a CT, we know that there is a special program running in this relay, meaning that in this conflict, the brain and the organism were caught on the wrong foot and the special program was switched on.

The special program helps the organism deal with the unexpected situation. This situation may affect not only the individual but possibly also his biological group (tribe, family, etc.) The conflict-activity (target configuration) continues until there is a solution to the conflict, which allows the organism to return to normalcy. Until that is possible, the organism has to pay the price for having initiated the special program through a kind of short-circuit, suggesting a kind of emergency program. The price to pay is the healing phase, or the repair of the psychic, cerebral and organ levels, in order that the former, hopefully optimal, state may be regained. It is only when all three levels have been repaired that the organism can return to normalcy. We can think in terms of the brain relay as being in a ‘compassionate’ state while the special program in the HH is in the form of a target configuration, the conflict-active phase, which state is also called ‘lasting sympathicotonia’.

We can imagine it as an overly strong current of great pressure being forced through a conduit that is too narrow. The conduit gets burned and leads to isolation. It is slightly different in bioelectricity so we should imagine the brain cells as an endlessly complicated network of grids. The standing sympathicotonia, something planned in principle (although a bit too much of a good thing), causes the communications conduits of the brain nerves to become more and more damaged. This corresponds exactly to the organ in the body that is enlarged, shrunk or altered because of the cancer, in order to deal with the new unexpected situation. Nothing really exciting happens in the HH, as far as the CT is concerned, other than that the target configuration remains constant. We can see in the nuclear resonance scan (MRI) that there is a totally routine change in the immediate environment.

In fact, the reality is totally different, for it is in the PCL-phase that we can establish the magnitude and extent of the damage because the organism starts its repair of this special program at the very beginning of the PCL-phase, either by cell-multiplication or by cell reduction of the body organ and of the affected relay in the brain.

In summary, the events that take place after a DHS on the three levels of our organism are as follows

A. Conflict-active phase (CA-phase):

Standing sympathicotonia, i.e. maximum stress. The patient dwells on his conflict day and night, trying to resolve it. He can’t sleep, and if he does, it is only for the first half of the night, in half hours. He loses weight and has no appetite.

B. Conflict resolution phase (PCL-phase):

There is peace. The psyche has to recover. The patient is worn out and tired, but feels liberated, has a good appetite, is hot, and has frequent fever and headaches. He sleeps well but often not until 3 a.m. Nature has arranged this mechanism so that people in vagotony sleep only from daybreak to avoid potential dangers (predators) while asleep. All patients like sleeping a lot during the day.


A. Conflict-active phase (CA-phase):

Target configuration in the corresponding HH (see chart) that means there is a special program running.

B. Conflict resolution phase (PCL-phase):

Repair of the HH through development of edema and accumulation of glia in the vicinity of the affected relay. This leads to re-establishment of the prior condition that is important for future conflicts but is at a price because the tissue is less elastic than before.


A. Conflict-active phase (CA-phase):

According to the chart and the ontogenetic system of tumors and cancer equivalents, there is either cell increase during the conflict active phase, with a very specific purpose, or a cell necrosis, or hole, also with a definite biological purpose. This purpose consists in using the organic change to resolve the surprise situation we call the biological conflict. The biological purpose of a coronary ulcer, for instance, is that of expanding the coronary arteries to allow more blood to flow through, thus increasing the strength and endurance of the individual. A multiplication of the breast gland cells serves the purpose of providing more milk for the child and speeds the child’s healing after an accident.

B. Conflict resolution phase (PCL-phase):

Repair of the cancerous tumor through microbial decomposition, and of the cancerous ulceration through microbial reconstruction (see chart and diagram of the ontogenetic system of tumors and cancer equivalents). Edema found in the brain and on the organ is always a sign of healing.


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