Thank you for your encouraging words!
I did laugh when I read the -dont want to be touched thing-. I use to have a quite a phobia to being touched. Im better now but if im not feeling good-STAY AWAY-LOL!!And it doesnt help im married to the most smothering affectionate man alive!
So anyways Im glad you agree with natural girl, that was making sense to me!And its nice to be figuring this out! I already did take the IF#2 though with the juice. But I could take some more!! I take burdock root. Depending on the thickness about 3-6 inches.Well and thats why I use the lotus,diakon,and burdock because there great cleansers and detoxifiers. I originally got them for my skin,although I know they can benefit me in other ways.
I think I forgot to list
Celery and cucumber in what i juice, cant remember,sorry ; ) My brain fog has been TERRIBLE lately. I cant remember it being this bad!lol,no pun intended.
THANK YOU for all the advice.Im going to take some more IF#1&2 and get some rest, hopefully i'll pass some gross stuff tomorrow : )
nighty night~eme