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Tracey Views: 4,020
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 140,076


Corey...when I saw your name 'Corey' and that you had replied to my post - I couldn't consciously remember how I knew you...but I had this really warm, simpatico feeling when I saw your name - intuitively and subconsciously I definitely remembered you and I thought: Ah! I forgot to include Corey in my rememberances!!

Thank you for your warm words, Corey...I really sense a simpatico-ness with you. I wonder if you have a strong Neptune or many Pisces planets...Edgar Cayce was a Pisces and had 4 Pisces planets - and I have 2 Pisces planets and a strong Neptune (Neptune rules Pisces - they have the same vibration). If you want to email me your birth time, place, date it will satisfy my curiousity and I can also tell you a little something about your chart in return. (go to my site and then scroll to the bottom - my email address is there)

I have had OBE's and psychic experiences too! (very Piscean/Neptune) Perhaps we will be able to share experiences when I get back...

I'm so glad you're around Curezone, Corey!...I remember when I first saw you posting great information on Edgar Cayce I felt like I wanted to HUG you! I hope you post more...

Thank you again and I will see you soon!

love Tracey

***Light Center***



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