I got a paper cut on the knuckle at the base of my left index finger tonight as I was studying my Save Your life Manual. I did a good job! The blood formed a bead and began a tiny stream down the palm of my hand. I didn't know if we had any bandaids in the downstairs bathroom and I didn't want to bloody up the wall of the staircase on my way up to the upstairs bathroom. So I thought, "Cayenne! OK, Uny- you're on!"
I put a pinch of Uny's cayenne powder on the cut and let the cayenne absorb the blood. I put another pinch on and tamped it down. It stung a little, but not any more than a needle jab or a pin prick. I decided to just leave the cayenne on there as a sort of "natural bandaid."
It's been about 30 minutes since I did this. The cayenne has all dried and flaked off. That paper cut has already closed, has a scab on it, and new pink skin growing over it.