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Kicking the Flu's Butt
  Views: 1,337
Published: 16 y

Kicking the Flu's Butt

Drove my psychedelic volkswagon to Denver and saw the Psychedelic Art Exhibit. Started sneezing and my throat got sore. Had some colloidal silver with me, took some, got better. Ran out of silver and started feeling bad again, this time with nausea, headache and serious coughing.

Went to Whole Foods and bought homeopathics and immune system enhancers. Didn't want to spend $36 for a bottle of silver when I can make stronger stuff for pennies with my silver pulser.

By the time I got home, the disease was moving into the walking pneumonia phase. I immediately made a gallon of silver and started taking it, but the cough was so deep and persistent, the silver wasn't helping very much.

I had some Sacred Medicine Sanctuary Oregano Oil on hand, and decided to try that. I put two drops in a capsule and it worked. I was taking half a cup of silver every thirty minutes to get some mild relief. Two drops of Oregano Oil stopped my cough for hours. I took some before bed time and slept through the night. I've taked two drops three times in less than 24 hours and my cough is almost gone.

Ingrid's Oregano Oil is the most potent I've ever found. It is so potent that I'm a little bit afraid of it. And I ain't no sissy when it comes to dosing myself with herbs. But her stuff really burns. You have to be very careful with it.

From now on, I'm traveling with it.


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