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I'm on Day 6 of Humaworms "AntiBiotic Cleanse"....

Heart Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Cleanse the Liver in 9 Days
Feel great again!

Heart Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Cleanse the Liver in 9 Days
Feel great again!

OmegaJerico Views: 5,291
Published: 16 y
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I'm on Day 6 of Humaworms "AntiBiotic Cleanse"....

This is a Powerful cleanse guys. I did the "Liver Cleanse" last month and I think the "Antibiotic Cleanse" is more powerful..

I took my First 2 capsules @ work. I was sitting at my desk and the 1st capsule gave my tongue a "burning" sensation. I swallowed both capsules and within seconds a HEAT wave went through my entire body..I kid you not..Heat was coming out of my arm sleeve and out of my neck collar. I checked my office thermostat to see if a co-wroker turned up the heat and it was on "cool"...

My body was kicking out heat due to those garlic-capsules sending a punch to my body. Scared me @ first but I figured it was a good thing.

On the right side of my tongue there's been a heavy-raised white coating, like a second layer of skin only white. I'm guessing it's thrush. It's been there for about a year. Sometimes it throbs, but for the most part it does not. When I felt my tongue "tingling/burning" I'm guesssing the "Antibotic cleanse" capsules attacked the bacteria/fungus immediately before i swalloed. Within the next 30-min the white-thick layer of my tongue was hurting and it felt like I bit it or something.

Later on that day that particular side of my tongue began to swell up almost "clear-bubble-like"..Still painful to the touch and painful to move around in my tongue. I checked my tongue out each day and on Day 4 what use to be a noticable Heavy-Thick coating is now reduced to 2 little white specks...The "Antibiotic" is killing whatever it is. That is why it felt so painful...

As of right now, I can look at that side of my tongue and its not even noticable and practically gone. I still have a thin white coating on my tongue but no "raised-thick-patches" and every time i take the "Antibitic cleanse" capsules my tongue has this "burning sensation"...This is telling me that my system is heavily toxic...

Last night, which was Day 5 on the "Antibotic Cleanse". I took 2 capsules while driving back home...When I got home I felt a strong pain in my stomach...And i'm sure that was just my body saying "Okay, it's time to get rid of the dead parasites"...And indeed did I pass a truck-load of brown Flat-Flukes and the puffy Candida things I'm guessing...What scared me is the LOADS of dead Flat Worm Flukes...My body must be infested with those things..i saw other strange looking things but it could have been just digested food..But the Brown-slimmy looking worm flukes are in abundance.

I did not know that the "Antibotic" & "Liver" cleanse KILLS parasitic worms. I thought they simply worked as desribed @ Both cleanses are killing tons of Flat worm Flukes in my system...

Right now I'm thinking about re-ordering the "Liver cleanse" to use in May...I wanted to go for the "Lung" cleanse next, but it looks like those Damn Flukes are hiding in my Liver...And maybe they are living in my intestines..I'll probably never really know but HumaWorm "Other cleanses" are just as POWERFUl as the popular HumaWorm formula itself...

I wouldnt advise any of you guys to take 2 different "Other cleanses" at the same time...Each cleasne will do what it says it's suppose to do and it will expel parasitic worms..I will continue to share my personal experiences as I try the "Lung" and "Kidney" cleanses for the 1st time over the next few months...


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