Hey Lori
Cool - you got your birth time - right on. I just updated my db with your correct info and I see you've got a Sagittarius ascendant! Nicce...my boyfriend, one of my best friends and the long lost Klunk (up there) all have Sag ascendants. (I'm a Sagittarius so I've got an affinity for you guys!)
I don't know if you fit in with the Sagittarius ascendant's that I know, though. I always thought that they didn't that have totally upbeat, positive Sagittarius lens that I thought they'd have (although you and Klunk both sound very yang-y, it's true) - and what seemed to manifest with my friends who have this ascendant is...that they either feel GREAT and successful in their lives or they feel like Failures and total losers! (ha) It's that black and white Sagittarian thing...and it's kind of manic in a way...Maybe even feeling *%#&¤?§* ty because you're not feeling WONDERFUL. When the world is your oyster it sure is! And when it's not you feel that too....kinda extreme.
Anyway, not sure if that fits you as well...
Check out the learning links below...it will give you a head start...
So, do you know that Pluto is sitting exactly on top of your North Node (where your soul wants to go in this life) in the 12th house? Wow...it might be hard to see (12th house stuff is hard to see)...but perhaps you FEEL it....it might feel like a super-deep transformation of what you thought your purpose was - or if you didn't know what your purpose was...maybe it's feeling more clear (even though it's a pretty intangible thing)....part of where your soul wants to go in this lifetime is to bringing all those bits and pieces of ideas, facts, knowledge that you've acquired through many lifetimes into a cohesive whole Philosphy....actually bringing it more into Wisdom. You might have a tendency to be comfortable with facts and ideas and knowledge as little seperate and relative things...but your soul really wants to bring all that experience and knowledge of the pieces into a Wise Whole....and you're going to have to totally trust and believe in your path...take the 'leap of faith' basically - leave all control behind and just follow your intuition - your dreams can tell you a whole lot (12th house too) - and the 12th house N. Node shows that you have to surrender all control of where you're going and how you're soul is going to get there and just trust in the unknown - all about Belief. hmmmm....
Anyway, I see you've just finished up your Saturn Return -how did that go? Did you learn something about your one-on-one Relationships?(Saturn in the 7th house)...did you mature in that way? (Saturn the maturing transit!)
Blue Storm only lasts for one year (July 26th to July 25th) - but I dooooo find it interesting that Blue Storm relates to many people's charts in slightly different ways. For instance, my cousin is just having a major Uranus conjunct Saturn transit (FREEDOM from old Structures - a core energy of Blue Storm) right now...and I am having a major Pluto square Saturn transit this year (Transformation of old Structures - very Blue Storm again!)In my astrologicaly correlation for Blue Storm I've felt it to be representative of Pluto and Uranus both.
So, for you, I can see this Blue Storm year being represented in your chart as both:
Pluto (transformation) conjunct your North Node in Sagittarius (freedom symbolism in Sagittarius)
Saturn square Uranus/Chiron (same as Klunk above) - tension that has to shift...Blue Storm...
Well...better get going!
Hope to hear from you soon...
love Tracey