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Request to Webmaster
unyquity Views: 1,229
Published: 16 y

Request to Webmaster

I'm working on setting up the FAQ for my forum here:

If I've read everything correctly in the Knowledge Base FAQ , I cannot create a new Subject/Category (Can I create a new subject/new category? No, But You can suggest it in the Webmaster forum. by Webmaster).

So I am "officially" suggesting a new Subject/Category called: Natural Healing either be a totally new category on this page:'

- or likely (more appropriate), under the category:
Therapies and Remedies (on this page: //

I also have a few questions that I just posted below (// I'm guessing someone will likely answer these questions (or once you've created the new Subject/Category), things will be obvious.

Please let me know if there's anything further I need to know.

THANK YOU (from the bottom of my "technologically challenged" heart!)


P.S. I don't know if I'm supposed to post here, or email I'm doing both.



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