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My Paradigm
traderdrew Views: 679
Published: 16 y

My Paradigm

Energy Medicine's Tie to Evolution?

Cairns placed bacteria, possessing a defective gene for the enzyme lactase, in Petri dishes that contained only lactose as a food source. The mutant bacteria were not able to metabolize the substrate. After a short period, the stressed, non-replicating bacteria began to thrive and proliferate. Upon examination, it was found that the bacteria specifically mutated the unresponsive lactase gene and repaired its function. Cairn’s research revealed that, in response to environmental stresses, organisms can actively induce genetic mutations in selected genes in an effort to survive. These mutations would represent mechanical "adaptations" that are induced by the organism’s response to life experiences.

Based upon this new perspective, David Thaler published an important revisionist article entitled The Evolution of Genetic Intelligence (Science 264:224, 1994). Thaler’s new perspective recognizes that biological expression is actively defined by the individual’s perception of their life experiences. Thaler emphasizes the significance of perception, not only in its ability to regulate the body’s expression by dynamically switching gene programs, but also in its ability to induce the "rewriting" of existing gene programs in order to better adapt to environmental stresses.

When put into perspective, the newly emerging view of conventional biomedicine reveals a profound change in fundamental beliefs. The Primacy of DNA is giving way to the Primacy of the Environment. Essentially, conventional science has shifted the source of intelligent control from the internalized genes to the externalized environmental "signals." These regulatory "environmental" signals appear to be, in part, relatedto D. D. Palmer’s concept of Universal and Innate Intelligence.

Do you see another reason why I don't believe in neo-Darwinism?

Chaos Theory

As I have stated before, I am a believer in chaos theory. This means that the flounder probably evolved from a bisymmetrical fish and God “ "could have" or "probably did” introduced his will into the genome of other body plans and fallen spirits “might” have created the dinosaurs in attempt to undermine my creator’s eternal plan.  Where is the anecdotal evidence?  The apparent rapid evolution of dinosaurs.  The Cambrian explosion of phylum and sudden introduction of new species that turned Darwin's tree upside down.

Chaos makes more sense than the rigid possibility structure of neo-Darwinism. Neo-Darwinism is a narrow pathway compared to chaos. I am not saying that neo-Darwinism is impossible. You might be thinking that I am contradicting myself. My point was that I don’t see how neo-Darwinism is possible by itself.  It is more likely that neo-Darwinism is only a possibility in the sea of chaos. Why should this be so hard to believe?

Science isn’t always the truth. Why? Just look how science changes. It evolves. Sometimes the evidence will fit another theory better than the accepted one.

I have two main points here.

1. People are irrational. I think we have seen a few examples of this on this forum. Some of you think that some of the posts that prove evolution bother me. They don't !!!  Evolution is only part of a sea of possibilities. It is a part of chaos. I have learned a couple of things from Corinthian. It obviously disappoints neo-Darwinists that I don't conform to their belief system.

2. Life didn't arise out of randomness.



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