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Re: Ansers & thoughts... Re: Bowel, Kidney and Liver Cleanse
unyquity Views: 2,534
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Re: Ansers & thoughts... Re: Bowel, Kidney and Liver Cleanse


You're more than welcome for the detailed responses - I know how confusing this all can be.  However, I also know that MUCH of that confusion is simply switching our minds from the conditioned "everything has to be exactly perfect" on the dosages and protocols the truly natural way of healing, which is to NOT be so "exactly perfect" and learn to listen to our individual bodies - with NEW knowledge that replaces that of the MD/ND mindset. And it definitely takes some time to gather the knowledge necessary to be able to correctly hear what our bodies are actually saying (and why they're saying it).  Onward with inserts:

It’s unfortunate that the information are somewhat inconsistent and scattered. I got Dr. Schulze’s bowel, kidney, and liver cleanse all from CZ which are different from the ones I got from you. For example, for the 5-day liver cleanse, the tea formula section is missing on CZ version. And, for some reason, the morning drink section was also missing back then when I printed mine out. Do you have a updated version of the bowel cleanse as well?  :::grin::: it will be some time before I have time to scan in all the data I needed to get scanned in to share with everybody.  As it is now, I'll be typing it a zillion times in response to each individual question (which will prevent me from ever getting it scanned in!)  I'll get 'er done eventually though!   There's no reason for any 'updated' bowel cleanse information (besides there isn't any).  The protocol has always been the same.  Take IF#1 until one has achieved 3bms daily, then add the IF#2 in doses of 1 heaping teaspoon mixed with juicer or water (however much is right for you, I like 4 oz) 5-6x daily...then follow that with 8-16 oz of water.  You can find that information in the 'Schulze' link at the top of all CZ pages.

(By the way, I was thinking about my last response to's normal to see a decrease in bowel activity when one goes off food and onto juices.  You might choose to go ahead and start the IF#2, rather than try to achieve 3bms on only one 'meal' a day - and then adjust the dose of IF#1 accordingly.  That's what I would do for my body.)

The terminologies are also not very consistent. I just want to confirm that...

1. Mild Liver Flush [i] is same as the 5-day Liver Cleanse [ii]?
2. Liver/Gallbladder Tincture (or Tonic) [i] is same as the Liver/Gallbladder/Anti-Parasite Tonic [ii]?That is correct, these are the same formulas and flushes - he's simply changed the names over the years.


Now, back to your liver document[i]. There’re basically two ingredients on the big liver flush:

1. 8oz of Olive Oil
2. 8oz of Orange Juice

Is unfiltered olive oil okay?yes Also, the instruction[i] says orange juice, wouldn’t grapefruit (mix-well with oil) be more effective? ABSOLUTELY Also, do I have to filter out all the pulp just like the other big flush? Hmm, I've never heard of filtering out pulp - I can't imagine why it would be necessary On the contrary, Dr Schulze’s mild liver flush recommends using apple juice with all the sediment left in. I suppose that’s okay since the mild flush morning drink has very little oil in it. ::::grin::: take a deep breath, release, another deep breath.  It's seems you're stressing QUITE a bit over details that have very little/no impact...I don't want to see you "stressing" - it's no good for healing and "flow"... (although I understand you want to be sure to 'get it right').  Schulze recommends apple juice because of the malic acid (notice? he's got no "one week of apples" before his 5 day cleanse :)

As for the Liver/Gallbladder/Anti-Parasite Tincture (this is the part that I’m most confused), unlike the kidney tincture (which should always be taken together with the tea), the liver tincture can be taken on its own?  Yes, you take the liver tincture separately because you want your mouth/liver to get the full effect of the bitterness of the bitter herbs in the tincture. 

Further, according to the liver document[i], the liver tincture should be taken everyday (the entire 30 days), 3-4 dropperfuls three times a day? Is that right? (This dosage is actually higher than the dosage for the 5-day Liver Cleanse [ii]. See Below.) The document I gave you is from the Save Your Life program for those with Incurable Diseases.  You do not need to take the liver tincture every day for 30 days...just in the 7 days when you're working on the liver.  3-4 droppersful, 3-4x daily (or more, or less, whatever works best for you). And if you miss a dose, it's no big deal; and if you take too much, it's no big deal.   I take two full teaspoons (8 droppersful) before every coffee enema - sometimes a tablespoon, sometimes mixed with ginger juice, sometimes I throw in a bit of olive oil - it's all good for me liver :)

The 5-day Liver Cleanse [ii] suggests 2 dropperfuls of the liver tincture 4 times daily. If that’s the case, can I just add the liver tincture to the kidney tea/tincture (which should be taken 4 times daily during the 5-day kidney cleanse). Or, it’s better not to mix the two together?  As before, the reason the liver tincture should be taken alone is for the 'bitter effect'...and since you won't be taking the Liver tincture for 30 days straight (unless you just want to), there's no need to need to take them with the Kidney tincture/tea.  And even if you do want to take the Liver Tincture for 30 days, you want to take it separately.

Last, you wrote:
You could safely alternate through the series (5 days kidney, two days off; 5 days liver and a big flush; one day off, then repeat... for several months. There's NOTHING about these cleanses that is "harsh" (except if you choose to use the Epsom Salts). At some point or another, your body is likely to tell you "enough already" (easily discerned when something you did for 'a time', now causes some kind of reaction, when it never did before).

I just want to confirm that the big flush is to be done on the *fifth night* of the 5-day liver, not the day after? If Epsom Salt is omitted in the big flush, I’d assume the liver tincture is use to relax the bile ducts. In that case, what would be the schedule and the dosage be for the liver tincture on the day of the big flush?  "Technically" on the day of a "big flush" you don't want to ingest anything that produces or releases bile - so I suggest to do the big flush on the 6th day.  The liver tincture contains nothing that will relax the bile ducts.  You can do the Clark Flush (with or without the Epsom Salts) or whatever kind of 'big flush' your lil' heart desires.  Just make sure to get 1/2 cup of citrus juice. & and 1/2 cup of oil.  (I like to add two tablespoons of ginger juice to the olive oil to help with the release of bile, mask the taste of the olive oil, and prevent any possible nausea).  And :::grin::: before you ask, it does NOT matter whether you mix the juice and oil, or take them separately. 

Try to relax Tierra - healing is a fun, positive, easy to accomplish procedure.  "They" convinced society a LONG time ago that unless someone had gone to school for 10-12 years, it is ::::insert scary music here:::: dangerous to heal ourselves using natural plants, foods, and herbs that have been used safely for centuries.  Again, I know you're just wanting to 'get it right', but part of 'getting it right' is understanding that this is NOT like allopathic or alternative medicine.  It's "logic based" :)   You just keep on asking questions and I'll keep on answering - I know 'right now' you really need to know! 

Blessings aplenty - Unyquity



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