Ok ladies...so what all do you use for beautifying! I know most of you ladies that are totally 100% natural don't probally use makeup...even the mineral makeup of any kind but for those who do what do you use?
I still like a little makeup...not much when I leave the house and am presently using Bare Minerals makeup. It's a mineral makeup but I just did some searching on this and found it it contains Bismuth...which is not a great ingredient to have in cosmetics. Besides that...it's pretty good. I also only use Dr. Bronners castile liquid soap on hair and body. I use jojoba oil or almond oil, olive oil on my skin as a moisturizer. I hardly ever paint my fingernails of toenails. Im trying to stay pretty natural while trying to conceive our second child. I do get highlights every four months but never let them touch the scap. I've come a long ways but feel I can't quite let go of a few things like some makeup and a few highlights to make me feel chic!
So...what do you ladies use and what has worked for you? I want to start switching out my makeup to even a more natural one. I use facial products by Miessence...which is a company that uses 100% plant based ingredients, organic ingredients in there stuff, nothing else and i LOVE there stuff so much.