Re: Here come the bastards
they own our weather and have so for longer than the average person seeing this has lived....longer than i have few have seen real natural clouds....
our rain water is poisoned....all animals on earth are in the "fall out" range.....making the word;
"organic" raised a total joke
"all" is polluted...
we either adapt or we die, that simple...
in 1992 they medicated all our air to slow down aids, which they created with putting aluminum in our air/water supplies.....they caused it, they are out of control with medication methods.....
what we breathe is what we are and they know this....poison our air and they "own" us....that is why harvard put in their books that:
blacks are slaves
humans are "stock" to be manipulated
all whites that have bad parents must be "sterilized" removed from society aka white trash....
the system is owned by the old german/european white familys under the leadership of the pope/governments that the usa united under their mason created un/who.
as a result
africa has been cleansed and the chinese imported...they have proven their race the superior slaves.
american whites and blacks have failed...they are too smart...they are being phased off the planet in favor for the full blooded mexicans and none of the other races count...the asians see this as a sign of war again and the final battle will be asia against the whites....armaganen.
those that control the skies, have won the battle...their harrp systems can drop everyone of us dead....or select an area and blast it with radar/frequencies and watch the people fall over into charcoal dut like their experiements proved in iraq not long ago when none of the locals knew what turned people into black dust where they stood .
avoid the man when you can, make it your proffesion to be a "no body".