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My peeling lips have gone, almost!
theWizard191 Views: 7,076
Published: 16 y

My peeling lips have gone, almost!

For ten years plus i had peeling lips.

Started around when i was 18. I think before i started alcohol but cannot be sure. If it was before then it surely started after i got Amalgams in, not sure of exact times, say from 14-17 years old at 2 differnt times.

Any way as a got older it got worse to the point of bleeding cause i always was picking at them. When i drank one pint of beer they got very dry which i presumed was the alcohol causing me to be dehydrated. That certainly was helping but that the yeast in the beer had as much to do with it probably feeding the candida.

I never seeked much help on it but always used lip balm which never worked.

A few years ago i though i must get my health back on track as my energy levels were low. I started reading a few books and got into eating more healthly and stopped Sugar intake except fruit. I also decided to get my Amalgams out.

My lips were still bad after doing the above. I started doing chelation on dmsa and the lips would get slightly worse while doing the 3 days on. It would get really bad when i had to do the challenge test which meant taking a lot of dmsa on the morning of the test.

I started taking horopito and aniseed capules by a company called forest herbs ( several months ago. Now even when i am taking then dmsa then flare ups are hardly noticable.

I was also on grapefruit extract capules for 6 weeks about a year ago.

I have also been doing Liver Flushes for 18 months. 8-10 done now.

Still doing the chelation which may help getting rid of candida

I would say the horopito and aniseeed has been the single most aggravator to getting rid of candida which i did not have so bad, but did cause my bad lips.

Hope some others get help form these capules as a search done did not show up results for horopito on this forum.



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