Do you have the Andrew Cutler book "Amalgam Illness"?
It's worth the money, and if you are going to chelate, I'd get it ASAP and start reading it. I wouldn't trust any kind of Dr to know what they are doing either- including Alternative Dr's. Read for yourself.
Hearing permanent chelating horror stories from people who are still dealing with it years later- is pretty scary.
I was lucky enough to have found my Cutler book on ebay for a cheap price. It's got alot more information in it than the mercury chelating.
Getting the money to do something with my mouth is my roadblock for now. I've known Newport has been right about the mercury/lyme connection for a while now, but I also know to not do anything for mercury chelating with the mess I have still. I wouldn't consider doing anything other than Cutler's, especially with Lyme's.