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Cleanse and Fast well under way & questions
Hummingbird Sage Views: 1,885
Published: 16 y

Cleanse and Fast well under way & questions

Well we started our kidney cleanse and juice fast friday morning along with the other specific tinctures. The only one we haven't started is the Blood Detox tincture. Do we start that one as well now? I'm assuming: yes. I just don't remember reading anywhere about it.
I'm amazed at how well were holding up. I remember becoming so weak and really not feeling well during other fasts. With endocrine issues such as adrenals and thyroid no wonder they didn't work.
I'm totally convinced that 2 major components must be in place - nutrients getting in hence: juicing and toxins getting out: IF# 1 & 2.
I seem to be ok with taking 3 IF#1's and the 5 servings of IF#2 as far as the cortisone is concerned and I am very slowly weaning.

The tinctures seems to be working well too - I am going through them pretty quick and will need to start making tinctures soon. I know Dr. Shultz says to use FRESH herbs but if we don't have these available YET should we order the different herbs from Mountain Rose to make the tinctures?

How else should we be using the cayenne powder aside from using a 'pinch' in the kidney flush? We received 2 bags in our order.
AND is the kidney flush just for 5 days or 1 week before starting Liver cleanse?
If 5 days do we take a few days off then start the Liver cleanse at the begining of the next week?

The only thing I have been experiencing is some pms symptoms as I am about 1 week before cycle. I am taking the Female formula and Nervine - is there anything else I should be doing?

Thank you again
Hummingbird Sage



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