--answer--Calcium Relaxes Muscles--WHY Experts may think different--
Hi refreshed,
Your question: "When the Muscle become Acidic to Contract there may be a Burn of protein, thus a release of Nitrogen waste !"
Is this nitrogen waste what people with muscle problems like Fibromyalgia or MS complain about when they have muscle pain with spots in certain places of the body that seem to accumulate extra acid?
Mine would get so bad that the muscles would form adhesions in the tissue which would cause even more problems with movement. A type of folding over of the tissue and sticking. I use to have to go through the extremely painful process of having my chiropractor who was trained in releasing these adhesion...basicly tear them apart and I guess releasing the build up of acids that had accumulated there. I would come out of a session bruised all over and looking like someone beat me up.
As long as I stay pH balanced, I will not have to go through that painful procedure again. Thank God.
Answer: The Acidic Nitrogen waste may add to the Acidity of that Specific area of Pain !
It is the build up of Acids anywhere in our Muscles & Tissues that may Cause our Pain and Suffering !
When we use our muscles this requires Energy, which requires the Burn, may we say, of matter and Protein(Nitrogen) may be the spark that starts the Fire, for lack of better words to explain it?
The end result may be the Energy Released is use to cause the action to take place of our muscle and we then have a waste left over that the body must get rid of !
We may find several different kinds of Acid are involved in this process?
This waste may be Acidic and when our Lymphatic Fluids are lacking in enough Reserves of needed Alkaline Minerals to Neutralize these Excess Acids our Lymphatic Fluids in these areas of our body may become overloaded and Cause our Pain and Suffering from being and staying too Acidic !
Also if we are not moving enough(Exercise) to cause our Lymphatic Fluids to move and Dump these Excess Acids, then we may have a build up of these Acids in these Specific areas Lacking proper movement?
For movement may be required to make the Lymphatic Fluids to move in our body?
This may be WHY we may have Specific areas of Pain and Suffering when we may think our pH is up in our Lymphatic Fluids, but really it may be Acidic in these affected areas and more Alkaline in others?
Our body is in a constant state of Seeking Zero point Balance between the Acids present and the Alkaline Minerals present !
As usual not everything may be as it may 1st seem to be !
Smile Tis your choice.