Re: Superfood recipe?
General "easy to understand" instructions (hopefully). Wings, your specific answer is below.
Take all the eleven herbal/food ingredients, put them on the table, and measure out 'one part' of each of them - let's say 1/4 cup of each (but you can use whatever measurement you want at this point)...just be sure to use the same measurement for each ingredient. Mix that thoroughly. Then you'll have a big bowl/bucket of every ingredient mixed together...except the yeast. That'll make 2.75 cups of that mix (if you use 1/4 cup as your part).
Now, add 2.75 cups of nutritional yeast - blend thoroughly, and WALLAH - Superfood Original!
For our 'Special Blend' (for non-vegans & non juice-fasters), we use only one bowl (actually a 10 gallon stainless pasta pot), and mix one 'part' of each of the herbal/food goodies and add two 'parts' of the yeast...which is much less yeast & much more herbal goodies, than mixing all the herbal goodies together and then adding equal parts of that mix, with equal parts yeast.
>>>So do I take a cup of everything and mix it with 11 cups yeast for a total of 22 cups of Superfood? That's a gallon and 1 1/2
quarts per batch.<<< YES! (made ya wait, made ya wait!) lol
One cup each of eleven ingredients (not counting the yeast) = 11 cups of 'goodies' + 11 cups of yeast. You got it!!