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Re: This Is What I Want To Know
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Re: This Is What I Want To Know

Trader, it can not just be stated that it is exclusively the "left" attacking the "messengers" of the right. It cuts both ways. Equally. I would put up the same message if I saw people continually putting up Keith Olbermann, Al Franken etc. Talking head, extremely partisan pundits who do little more then rant for ratings. And when you do that you start to lose credibility. Even if there are some good ideas buried in there. Ultimately it boils down to extremely close minded people that you can predict exactly what is going to come out of their mouth. They never look at the issues honestly. They are too busy patting themselves on the back, selling books, making millions from t.v. contracts etc. So for the most part I don't give them the time of day. There are enough other people out there who may hold some of these guys beliefs who you can at least count on to give you honest insight.


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