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What are the exact amount of ingredients in Dr Schulze's products?
alicivril Views: 1,988
Published: 15 y

What are the exact amount of ingredients in Dr Schulze's products?

Hi everyone,
I called the clinic, but the representatives said they do not have this information. Dr Schulze has dozens of formulas, but none of them contains the information about the amounts of herbs they contain.

One sometimes would like to know something like x mg of this and that instead of an advice of take this many dropperfuls a day. There are certain formulas (Brain, Heart etc) that is ideally for long term use, but with the suggested dosages, I would be out of them in 1 or 2 weeks.

If not the exact, does anybody know how dense these formulas are, so that I can roughly compute the active ingredients out of drops.



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