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Re: Oil Pulling Help (...with teeth and salty taste)
ready2bhealthy Views: 8,258
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Re: Oil Pulling Help (...with teeth and salty taste)


I have no qualm with a doc 'piecing' me back together, say for a broken bone or bones, or an accident which requires immediate surgery for life or even a much needed blood transfusion to save life.

I know of no other who can do such a good job as docs in this type of senario.

But those that can't at least muster up an 'I don't know what is wrong with you' verses you are a hypochondriac I give up on. If your father is different then that is great. The problem is most are not. I referred to my own docs over the years as clueless, not all in general.

A lot of people may be lazy about their life style and may not even realize they are lazy about their life sylye. Some are great with their life style but have environmental issues in their way or maybe Amalgams poisoning them ect... They get sick slow but sure and since most docs are not versed in nutrition or other natural ways to beign with but instead see drugs as the only answer they cannot even direct them on how or why to change. Instead, you are crazy and it in your head type responses emerge. so here take this pill or go see our resident phyc. And admittedly at some point in my young life then, I almost began to believe it.

My family always said it was the docs from the hick town small areas that could not help me but when a plane ticket was provided by the family so I could go to Houston and get 'fixed' by the doctors that know so much they had the same duh attitude.

I have since learned to care for my self and do begin to heal.

Curezone is provided to educated instead of medicate and to obtain support or give support for those who would challenge the system of drugs and craziness or provide a healthier and happier lifestyle. Many on the forums have accomplished this. Many continue to make great strides toward their goal each day month and year.

Not all of the information on this sight is helpful to all folks. Each unique in their own ways. But support is forth coming. And at times just having that support can be a relief knowing we are not alone in our ailing.

I would easily rather pay for a doctor visit with a compassionate caring person who could not figure out my problem and admit it, than one who would tell me it is in my head.

I truly hope your father is better than the majority, but even more so, I hope he has a better bed side manner than to throw out the hypochondriac word just because things don't make since to him.



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