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Synthesizing Energies
The more I got into
these energies, the more I started just tingling. What an absolutely fabulous combination! Forgive me if I wax poetic below, but the synergistic synthesis of these energies is just awesome! Anyway, here's what flowed out when I started blending the symbolism together.
First off, a trivia bit you guys will love: Ancient alchemists equated Venus with Copper and Jupiter with Tin (they didn't know about Neptune and Pluto.) Copper and tin, when mixed mostly copper, make bronze which accepts a very high polish and is used most often anymore for bearing metals (those that bear the load,) as a mirror (!) or plating that can be highly polished, and bell founding(!) Bronze bells emit a very clear note. So, right off the bat, loving (Venus) aspirations (Jupiter) are the energies that can bear the load, that reflect the light, and sound the clear, crisp call that draws others. Isn't that just sooo perfect? =)
7 - 7 Neptune/Pisces/Water - transpersonal
5 - 7 Pluto/Scorpio/Water - transpersonal
5 - 7 Jupiter/Sagittarius/Fire - transpersonal
5 - 7 Venus/Libra-Taurus/Earth - personal
Through the mysterious power of the phoenix, we forgive and let die the old in order to give birth to the exurberant expansion of new hope. Loving aspirations cooperate to comprehend and spread wisdom and harmony, transforming turmoil into tranquility. Loyal to our belief in the power of love, we harvest what our subconscious provides and generously share the abundant beauty from beyond, bringing comfort and balance into the conscious now. Within supraconsciousness, we assimilate the mystical sphere of dreams, transcending barriers and inspiring a compassionate inner knowing. Mirroring the conscious and subconscious realms by our desire and the intense force of our will to rejuvenate, we choose to transmute the disruptive separation that is to the spiritual unity that will be.