"So I guess it would not be necessary to take both MMS and the wormwood mixture I have?"
I cannot directly answer that question with a simple yes or no. YOU are going to have to answer that question yourself, by your first directly experiencing what works personally for YOU, what works for YOUR body.
I would say, first off, be aware that MMS operates in a totally different realm from how black walnut & wormwood operates.
I would say, first try using the MMS alone using nothing else, daily, for at least 2-3 weeks, and just see what that does and where that goes for you personally.
I am still a newbie to the whole MMS thing, but from all the extensive reading that I have done here about MMS, as well as from what I have learned from the 40 liver flushes that I have personally done myself with no noticed benefit, I do think that the MMS is a great thing to do daily, for at least 2-3 weeks, BEFORE doing any liver flushing, to PREPARE for a series of liver flushes to follow.