Why man has invented laughter
Perhaps I know best why it is man alone who laughs; he alone suffers so deeply that he had to invent laughter. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
So many are alone and suffering with the illness of Alzheimers never wanting to go out as I was. I am different now I am venturing out of the world and thinking of tomorrow. It took me a long time and a long journey but as I heal my heart and my soul, I can venture on. The journey is very difficult and a long one but it is possible.
What I find the most sad is those who have many around them and still they are so incredibly lonely. Like a room filled with people but no one you can talk or feel happy with. Almost like you are already dead. I hear this over and over, "Sara, I am so lonely." Why, when they have 20 people in the family. Lonliness the worse word in the dictionary.
I am hoping these words of laughter has cheered you up. I am hoping that we can bring a few moments of cheer in your life.
From the words of the smartest person I ever knew once told me. "Your life is so terrible with me, I wanted to give you ten minutes of happiness." Mo, my late husband.
So if I could give you ten minutes of happiness tonight, indeed I was successful.