A really sad state of affairs. I buy raw milk all the time from the farms here in Jordan. It is freely sold with no restrictions. Usually we have hundreds of goats and lambs in pastures all over as Arabs eat a lot of lamb meat and now is the time for the milk.
Goat milk is the closest to mother's breast milk and cow's milk is for baby cows. I buy goat yogurt myself to use in the budwig preparations. If they do not have yogurt I do buy raw milk and make my own yogurt.
Freedom of raw milk essential and sad that most cannot have this. I find that most run into problems for one simple reason, not understanding how to take care of the milk once you have it in your home. Raw milk must be heated and brought to a boil for one minute. Remove from the stove and keep in your refrigerator for no more than 3 days. Any left freeze in small packages and bring out as needed.
So the ones who became sick are usually the ones who did not know how to prepare it so there is no bacteria.