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Re: Menstrual cycle & Fasting

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marieln Views: 5,123
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Re: Menstrual cycle & Fasting

Hey there MouseClick,

Wow. Thank you for all the fascinating info in response to my post.

You quote: "T Colin Campbell's China Study found that a western diet brings upon early menarche. Age at menarche is related to cancer, and this is caused by feeding rich food. Oestrogen levels soars and then plunges at menopause. In china, average age of menarche was 17 or even 19 in some places. In the west it is 11."

Hmmmmm, interesting. I certainly see this happening. In fact, I have often met girls as young as 9 years old who have already received their first menarche. That concerns me as they are not ready to conceive a child at such a tender age. Whether at 9 or 11 years, ovulation is not necessary for those girls. Seriously. As for the Chinese, they are doing something right when their girls are beginning to ovulate at 18 years of age.

You quote: Oestrogen levels are 50% higher in western women than Chinese.

Yes, very true as western women tend to carry more fat than Chinese women do. Fat = more estrogen.

You quote: "The menopause is at 52 for western women, 48 for Chinese, so western women have more exposure to oestrogen. This is why there is more Breast Cancer . The data suggests with considerable confidence that the same thing relates to men and prostrate cancer, uterine cancer etc."

Hormones play a significant role in some cancers. Women who take birth control (synthetic hormones) are at a great risk, too.

You Quote: "I also happened to have followed a link from John Zerzan to a wikipedia article about the South African bushmen an hour ago, and, similar to the China Study, their women typically had late first menstruations and did not begin bearing children until about 18 or 19 years of age."

The way it should be! Haha but i still think 18 or 19 is too young for having children. But it's better than 16 years of age, which I commonly see. Ahhhh

You quote:"Births were spaced four years apart, due to lack of enough breast milk and requirements of mobility that made feeding and carrying more than one child at a time difficult."

Yes. Breastfeeding is a natural birth control method for many people. A woman who is breastfeeding will skip her period(s) until she stops breastfeeding. Why she can not get pregnant during this time.

You quote:"Now of course fasting is a form of low fat diet, so I did a quick google search and found this

it is a letter from a person who has fasted 1600 people and is titled "Fasting as a cure for PMS and menopause symptoms - Letters to the Editor". It's 7 pages long. I will leave you to read it."

Whoooo! I'm excited to read it!

You quote: "Apart from that, Chrisb1 or someone may wish to comment. I have a limited knowledge of fasting since I only used it for weight loss, but maybe those links will help."

Those are awesome links. thanks :) By the way, you don't appear to need to lose weight MouseClick. How much are you trying to lose?



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