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Re: mms and possible basil cell skin cancer
SilverFox Views: 1,530
Published: 16 y
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Re: mms and possible basil cell skin cancer

Hello Sapphirelynn,

We have had very limited experience with this, but out of 2 cases, both have gone away. Unfortunately, we didn't have a proper diagnosis, so we don't really have any proof.

We have found that the 28% solution is dangerous to handle, so we have diluted it down to a 5% solution, which is much safer to handle. To make a 5% solution you would put 1 part of the 28% solution in a glass and add 3.48 parts water. This will give you 4.48 parts of a 5% solution.

A topical solution can be made by putting 10 ml of the 5% sodium chlorite solution in a glass and adding 10 ml of 10% citric acid . Let this activate for 10 minutes, then add enough water to make a total of 500 ml.

Take a cotton ball and dip it into the solution, then apply it to the damaged skin area and hold it there for a couple of minutes. Repeat this a few times a day. Our experience was that the problem just goes away.

The solution will keep for a couple of weeks as long as it is kept out of UV light in a cool place.



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