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Re: Thank you for the replies
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Re: Thank you for the replies

Do you have any good Naturopaths in your area?
Maybe check if you have a practitioner in your area who works with Healers Who Share.
Doyou know anyone who dowse's or muscle tests?

I got rid of Candida 5-6 yrs ago it got me on the road to natural healthcare and energy medicine even though I had done cleanses, use and still use my SCIO/EPFX and take excellent supplements I was not getting to the level of health I knew I should be by this time.

Because of the HWS I found out I had some bacterias/illness I did not know I had...Like Lynch, Cystic Fibrosis & Whipples to name a few. Once I researched the symptoms I was like oh my gosh it all made perfect since to me and I knew they where correct... I had seen the Whipples on my Scio in some of my testing but never really looked it up I was always doing other things that where higher reactors.

That being said I am on remedies for these things now.

I know first hand Candida does exsist and I know that you can be cured of having it. I also believe that people maybe missing other illness's thinking its still candida and maybe their candida is actually gone or they thought it was but it was something else.

We heal in layers and once you clear one out then something else that has been hiding can then pop up.

Just my two cents...



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