The link below will give you a little outline showing you how to get started.
The first link within the post below is a great site where you can generate your charts and the 2nd link is a great learning site.
If you have any questions I'd be happy to discuss!
*remember that you may read contradicting things about your chart - but the good thing about being human (!) is that you can synthesize all the various parts and details into a Whole - so you begin to see the big picture instead of just the wee pieces.
example: You will read both Jupiter trine Mercury and Saturn trine Mercury. These two meanings may seemingly contradict each other. But the thing is is that you have Jupiter and Saturn conjunct and they form their own little 'pod' of energy that combines the energy of both planets so they act together when they Trine your Mercury. See what I mean? Once you can feel what those conjunct 'pod' energies will become much clearer and you'll see the book definitions or computer printouts just don't do it - you need a real human to synthesize your uniqueness!