Peachy - Red Earth definition
Whew....I'm finally getting to this one! Had a wonderful day yesterday and now today is Brock's birthday (he IS a Yellow Sun - even though he's not Cosmic like today - the vibe is there!) so I'll have to get going on that...
Let's did super-well with your interpretations. I like the way you made a relationship between your Compliment and!
You know, I can't figure out what the Seal of the Year is. I have no idea. We could assume it means what it kinda says it means - but I'd like to know more about it, too.
And you know what's cool? I ALWAYS equate the Tone of Electric with Gemini, Mercury and the color Blue. Communication. That's pretty cool that you are Electric! (3 of my best friends are too!)
So...Red Earth is the first day of your Wavespell. This is significant because it starts your wavespell and, of course, on the first day you always ask, "What is my Purpose?" - so you combine that with Red Earth and see what sort of revelations you have! (*check out the Day1 Wavespell for the World post - it has some different info on Red Earth)
Red Earth: centeredness, synergy, synchronicity, Earth force, galactic alignment, Earth keeper, fluid world resonance, clue tracking (!), crystal healing, shield.
Red Earth is a symbol of the Earth keeper, the keepr of the garden, the shaman/healer who, through reverence for all life, heals and sanctifies the Earth. Earth keepers preserve the harmonic relationship with nature by connecting to the wisdom held in matter. In Latin, mater means 'mother'. As you bring light into yourself, you bring light into matter. You and the Earth BOTH contain the holographic seed of the new consciousness emerging.
Sit in simple relationship to the Earth, like a poet enraptured in a forest. Be rooted where you are NOW.
(listen to this O computer-knower you!) Red Earth is also the access point to the 'cosmic computers,' the 'hardware' of the Divine, of which your body and psyche are the natural 'software.' In your centeredness, you become a quantum device in yourself, a super-sense-conducting energy field in the fluid world of direct access. This is the world of super-liminal form, the 'place' where you are crafting your crystalline rainbow body to navigate in new and unbounded realities.
Red Earth also represents the synergistic workings of destiny that bring people together for common spiritual purposes, as well as the synergy that becomes possible through shared intent.
Synchronicities are like messages or signs through which the universe and your Essence Self speak to you, letting you know that an opportunity is presenting itself. Rather than just a mental understanding, a synchronicity is a FEELING experience - an unusual 'coincidence' or an 'aha!' sensation that confirms that you are part of a much greater whole. The universe, of course, IS a whole, and all dimensions of being are inseparably unified within its vast web of interactive probabilities...
Interesting eh? That Red Earth really relates to your Taurus planets...
I'll check your husbands chart when I have time! It seems like many people's jobs are changing right now - so it may be just the 'change' - but I'll take a look.
If you have more questions about how the Wavespell itself works just let me know! (your Galactic Day - Blue Electric Storm - will always be on the 3rd day of your Wavespell - Electric is Tone 3 - so your perennial question is, "How do I attain my Purpose?" (funny eh?)
A person with a Galactic Tone 8 would always be asking, "Do I live what I believe?" - just an example of how that works...
My perennial question is, "How do I inspire co-operation?" - Crystal Tone 12. hmmmmm.....
Fascinating stuff!!!
Love Tracey
Bit more Red Earth (World Wavespell post)