Re: Better get rid of that "Ron Paul 2012" Bumper Stickers
A better reason to get rid of the Ron Paul bumper stickers is because Ron Paul is an old school racist and a freemason:
So why do Freemasons like Ron Paul use the same Satanic occult symbols that are used to summon demonic forces?
Here is a list of symbols that are common with the Satanic Church:
1. Goatshead Pentagram : While the church bulletin has one goatshead pentagram right in the middle of a circle, Levi is standing on a rug in which the pentagrams are in each corner, with each pentagram facing him with the two points toward him forming the goatshead.
2. Triangle Critically Important: In the Levi picture, a Demon has appeared within the triangle surrounded by a circle. In the church bulletin, each of the horns of the pentagram form a triangle, plus we see more triangles in the church bulletin depiction in the large circle surrounding the goatshead, a point we explain in detail further along in this article.
3. Two candles lighted in a candlestick. In this Levi picture, we see one candlestick on each side of him; similarly, the church bulletin depicts the candles on each side of a songsheet.
4. Conjuring Ritual Sheet versus a Songsheet: Levi is shown holding up a roughly shaped sheet on which he has written specific ritual instructions. In the church bulletin, we see a roughly shaped songsheet.
5. "As Above, So Below": In the picture of Levi, we see the Sabbatic Goat [Satan] pointing upward with one hand, and downward with the other. This gesture depicts the Satanic belief in Yin - Yang, also stated, "As Above, So Below", also known as the "balance of Nature". In the church bulletin, we see numerous triangles formed around both the large and the small circles, some pointing up and others pointing down. This symbolism depicts exactly the same belief, "As Above, So Below".
6. Three Concurrent Circles: Levi is standing in the middle of a rug on which three circles are painted. Levi is standing inside the smaller, inner circle. Around that smaller circle is a larger circle, which is surrounded by yet a larger circle. In the church bulletin, we also see three circles, do we not? We see a small inner circle in which the Goatshead [Satan] is located rather than Levi the Wizard. Surrounding the inner circle is a larger circle, which is surrounded by yet a larger circle.
Since the number 'three' is a sacred number because it represents the Pagan Trinity, we would need to have three circles in the church bulletin if this symbol is, indeed, Satanic; and, we do have the three circles! Circles are critically important to the Satanist, for they symbolize spirit. They describe "the whole cosmos -- everything which is spiritual, everything embraced by the vast realm of the heavens." [Goodman, p. 17] Thus, it is highly appropriate that Levi would utilize circles in his Demon Conjuring Ritual, and equally appropriate for the Goatshead Pentagram in the church bulletin to be surrounded with three concurrent circles.
7. Brightness of light: in the Levi depiction, we see the standing demon appearing in a triangle surrounded by an aura of bright light. In the church bulletin, we see one of the major groupings of triangles illuminated by the flame of the candle. In both pictures, the bright light is within a triangle off to the side of the Wizard -- Goatshead -- located within the inner circle. This illumination represents "enlightenment" into the darker esoteric, demonic world.
For a guy who doesn't support funding public universities, student loans, or pell grants, Ron Paul sure uses the Masonic Hookem Horns hand signal a lot.
He also uses the ring knocker Masonic handshake in public as well. Why does that bother me? Masons and the Southern Baptist Convention started the KKK and other hate groups way back when. They were also responsible for the Secession of the South during the Civil War.
Ron Paul is supported financially by the same racist secret societies that burn crosses in yards and rule the planet.
It does not take much work to discover the truth about freemasons. They control both sides of every war. A Freemason sticker on your car though would likely receive a weird handshake and a warning. The fact that Ron Paul is a Master Mason and is very well connected with racist hate groups is enough for me to never put a Ron Paul Bumper Sticker on my car but to make it a crime is clearly a crime in itself. If I was a cop though, and I was pulling over a car for speeding, and I saw a Ron Paul bumper sticker, I might assume that there might be a concealed weapon in their vehicle as Ron Paul is a staunch 2cond amendment advocate. The problem with that memo though is that it gives police a green light to consider anyone with a decal a terrorist and might induce them to illegally search their car.
If one wants to avoid problems with police, join Ron Paul's Freemasons and replace your Ron Paul Sticker with a Goatshead Pentagram. This will let the cops know you are one of them and not one of Ron Paul's reactionary sheep that are being used for their ends and instead you are freemason like themselves who are controlling the world. I bet Ron Paul never gets a ticket when he uses his ring knocker satanic handshake during a traffic stop.