Re: How is everyone doing now??
I am reminded of one of the old Tobias channelings that I read from September of 2001, where he talked about the earth very much needing to vent all this negative energy.
Rather than try to supress it (I'm also speaking on a personal as well as global level here too), we must aid the earth and ourselves and each other in making sure this negative energy does not stay trapped here. All this crazy weather, flares, fires, etc. really seems to me to be an example of this.
In other words, it is not a bad thing that this stuff is happening, it would only have bad consequences if we continue to supress or try to smash it all back down. This entails a huge re-evaluationof what we thought was "good" and "bad". i.e. are the fires in California good or bad?
We can't make room for the positive unless we heal and vent the negative. Otherwise the harmony will have no place to go.
I'm still trying to think of my personal response to your original question...
I have had exponential spiritual growth since the Mars thing - that coupled with exponential confusion and sliding back or wanting to into old patterns.
I have had such a dichotomy - moments where I tap into this supreme joy, almost painful, and moments where I sense more disaster and chaos ahead.