Re: Liver, Pancreas, Enzymes Levels Low -- Related?
Pioneers post is correct.
Here's how it works.
Health happens on a cellular level. The liver controls the cellular environment. It cleans the blood and lymph. Because of that FACT every cell in the body has to run better, has to get healthier when the liver is debugged and decongested. Thus the kidneys, pancreas, lungs, heart, brain, every cell and system returns to normal.
The liver is your bodies filter, it control the cells environment. And that environment MUST be clean.
The colon controls the nutrients that have to get to the cells.
Between those two physiological FACTS the liver and colon are right at the top of getting your health back. It doesn't matter what other organ or system is malfunctioning. The liver and colon cotrol how clean the cellular environment is and the fuel the cells get to function and rebuild for every cell in your body.
Those facts come right out of the standard texts used in all institutes of higher learning. That's right, even the medics know this stuff. There's nothing "scientific" about it at all. It's simply providing the cells with the correct environment to be healthy in. And it works.
There are no cures if you treat the disease because treating the disease by-passes these fundamentals. You may be able to kill the cancer with radiation or cut it out of the body but if the cellular environment stays dirty (liver)and the cells can't get the necessary nutrients (colon) you'll just get sick again.
Treating the diseases is folly. Treating the cause of the disease works.
The liver controls the cleanlyness of the cellular environment.
The colon provides the nutrients for cell functioning and rebuilding.
Right out of Guytons Physiology.
Kill the bugs, decongest the liver and clean the colon. The disease doesn't have a chance.
It's NORMAL to be healthy.