Lichen Sclerosis - FRIENDS I have found real help!Please try SANGRE DE DRAGO.
Please try Sangre De Drago. You can get it at
It heals the sores and also stops me from scratching at night. The helps seems to linger even if I don't reapply it each night.
I am 55, have been scratching at night since I was a teenager and have a long story of sorrow. I went several years in pain until a dermatologist determined the skin was infected. I was also misdiagnosed, tested for herpes, told it was stress etc.
"The wound healing abilities of Sangre de Drago, are attributed to its active constituents: proanthocyanadins (antioxidants), a lignan called dimethylcedrusine, and an alkaloid called taspine. Taspine has been shown to have anti-inflammatory, antisarcomic, antiviral, antitumor and cicatrizing properties. Studies have also shown that Sandre de Drago resin can help contract a wound, form a crust at the wound site, assist in the formatiom of collagen and regenerate skin cells. This unique combination of anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and cicatrizing properties make the resin an exceptional ingredient in formulations intended for healing skin abrasions, wounds, burns, eczema and rashes. The resin is water soluble and should be added to the water phase."