Your local hospitals, doctors are WHO?????? The RICHEST PEOPLE in EVERY COMMUNITY, they are seen as GODS to the local churches, that they often own and the hospitals carry the church names. Not so many years ago, most of the Hospitals all had a picture of the pope at the front door, ALL BEING CATHOLIC HOSPITALS and now many of the 2,000+ suster religions carry such names on the hospitals, locally in Columbus, Ohio as you enter from the west side, a brand new METHADIST HOSPITAL was created, the thing is HUGE.
The creeps that own medical use "Friendly" names like "CHILDRENS" and religion names to make the people "feel" safe.
At least the undertakers don't advertise (much), their business is guranteed and no doubt owned by the same organized familys as medical.
So 98% of your community sees drugs as the nectar from their GODS in white uniforms, their "SAVIORS" from the common the LAW was created by these organized people.....jails or death is their system.
Doctors stick together just like cops stick together....WHY?????? because they FEAR they will bump into a surviving family member that like your suggesting, will hurt them, because they hurt/killed one of their family members. NO COP, NO DOCTOR feels "safe" out in public with their family....they are always "aware" the enemy may be watching them.
They may be good cops and good doctors, but regardless, if they are in uniform or have a recognizable face, they fear the "public" and they live behind security systems, carry guns, etc.....they trade peace of mind for $$$$$$$ and go to their mason lodges and keep their brotherhood strong as they "know" they are "superior" to the common man.
In fact, the more humans there are, the more PREDATOR the society becomes and that fact is why the pope keeps X amount of people KILLED OFF in every country now with chem trails, and toxins added to food/water/cosmedics.
People on welfare and government hand outs may think they have it made, but the ones in charge see them as less than dirt, no differant than how Harvard Openly condemed the poor people prior to Hitler's fame. After Hitler, the colleges changed their plans and then accepted all races, but they will NEVER CHANGE their blue blood foundations....they only educate the races as a way to control the races on this earth. They find the weekminded willing to trade their soul for some mason $$$$$$$ and these highly educated thinks they are superior and they return home to own/operate businesses that then hires and controls others and operate their businesses the pope way, the government way.
The Facts will not change, the dirty old white men that like little boys and have zero use for a female, rule this planet with an IRON FIST and you stand in their way and they will poison an entire country and repopulate it with slaves....classic example.....murder all the blacks of Africa and repopulate it with it over a 100 year period and no war will rise up. The Chinese have been the universal slaves for 200+ years in world history, bred and killed like common lab the USA since 1992 the Mexican slaves have gained favor.....The pope uses MOVIES to train people's minds and MASON $$$$$$ to seek out the ones willing to set as judges and the hang man over the masses...
The current problem the pope faces today is the Asians on this planet, they out populate the whites and each time that happens, war is the solution....only the Asians don't accept being killed as an ideal option once again, the blacks are being slaughtered off to make more room for those fast working asians and in America, the lazy white man is being replaced with the short hard working non complaining Mexican man. WAR is avoided by
MANIPULATING the races no differant than a FARMER separates his heards of stock. A plan that came out of HARVARD 80 years ago tht Hilter helped prove could be done and the USA and RUSSIA implamented his methods right after world war II.
It saves "US" from massive wars to acheive the same we are killed off to suite the governments plan......and this is why William Branham warned the world about the "organized" that started when the pope started the first church/government and we now are living the results of 2,000 years of war.
Would we rather die of a bullet or some disease? The world prefers the slow death method, so depopulation is in and this means we need hospitals/morgues and methods of recycling human bodies back intonthe food chain, because those organized don't throw ANYTHING AWAY. they recycle...thus the movie soylent green .....