The Moon & Mars
That is a very interesting A-HA! you've had!
First let me congratulate you and your girfriend!! That is wonderful the light of Mars...ah!
That is an interesting insight. You say "What is in store for the world is closely tied to the moon and Mars". Verrrry interesting because the Moon is feminine, right? And Mars is masculine - yes? If I am intuiting your A-HA correctly - I would say that it is the Marriage of the Moon and Mars (masculine and feminine within each of us) that will make the difference.
Now I'm thinking that I may have intuited wrong!
But let me go on...
The Moon is feminine and the signs that are feminine are the 'yin' signs: Water and Earth (Fire and Air are masculine - you are pretty balanced, Rudy). Well! The Harmonic Concordance is taking place in ALL yin signs.
The 3 Earth signs are making a Grand Trine (taurus, virgo and capricorn) and the 3 water sign are making a Grand Trine (cancer, scorpio and pisces) - which makes a pointing upwards Triangle and a pointing downwards Triangle - which makes a Star of David and a 6-sided Hexagram. Trines are HARMONIOUS. Mars is in a water sign right now (as is Uranus) - Pisces - which is Feminine - and, yes, this huge energy shift is taking place on this more introverted, subjective, inward Feminine realm.
...and Mars (usually so War-like and masculine) is involved in this energy shift because it's in Pisces (feminine). If people can go within (and explore the 'unknown' outside of themselves and in different 'other worldly' realms) then they will be using this 'new' Mars energy in a new wonderful way. Mars gets things done - with it in Pisces it's more about getting things done on an inner level. The material world takes a back seat...
Okay I'm rambling!
But what was my other thought? Oh yeah - that I was reading you wrong and that you are feeling it is more of a 'battle' between the two?
I'd love to hear your thoughts on your A-HA experience!~ Yes I would - this is my usual White Crystal Mirror way - to try to reflect back to you, yourself - but I could be WAY off! I'd love to hear your thoughts on what happened with your Moon & Mars revelation Rudy!