I've been in great health for a while now and have decided to do fasting one day a week to take some digestive load off my system.
I fasted from Dinner time on Friday until morning of Sunday. Felt weak and was thinking lots about food, but all went well. I ate a light fruit breakfast on Sunday and went to work. Around noon on Sunday I started getting heart palpitations. At least I think that's what they are. It feels kind of like my heart makes a real loud beat in my throat all of a sudden. There was no pain associated with it.
I thought it could have been an electrolyte deficiency due to the fast and the physical work the day after. Anyway, it's now Tuesday and the palpitations haven't ceased and now I'm feeling a bit of pain when they happen (at least every 3-4 minutes)
I feel like a wuss complaining of this when some of you are doing 14+ day fasts!