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help! what to do - massive bloated tummy!
heavenlychoirs Views: 5,643
Published: 16 y

help! what to do - massive bloated tummy!

Hello there,

I am posting here as I am at my wit's end. I have been on the anti candida diet for a month as I thought that that was the reason I had such a massive stomach (like I am 10 months pregnant). Anyway, what I found with this diet and the high dosage probiotic supplement I was taking each day was that the diet was kind of irrelevant in helping my stomach go down - it was the probiotic which helped. Consequently, when i stopped taking the probiotic my stomach blew up to 10 months pregnant again as if I had never been on the candida diet in the first place. So I have now introduced other foods into my diet as it is very difficult to do anyway (no sugar, no carbs, no starch).

So, I have now come to the conclusion that I may have something else which might be causing the candida in my stomach. My symptoms are the following:- I need at least 12 hours sleep a day and often after meals I feel sleepy, when I cut out the sugar/first started the candida diet I had massive stomach cramps as if coming from my belly button, I get excruciatingly painful stomach cramps occasionally, I am constipated most of the time although i drink lots of water, I just feel nervous/anxious all the time/ not myself, I feel fatigued all the time, when I go to bed I usually get itching around my anal, vaginal area for some reason, yesterday I noticed in my poo white bits and now I will continue to study my poo because of this. Then a couple of weeks ago I had black dots in my poo. I have noticed when i eat carbs e.g potato or wheat I can get ibs symptoms.

The main problem is the nerves, constant fatigue and inability to concentrate and of course this huge unsightly stomach. I have had this problem now for about 10 years and it is depressing me as my doctor says I've probably got IBS. I really think I may have some sort of parasite in my gut. Can anyone give me any tips for how to REALLY get rid of it? I have read lots about herbal treatments and that they are not effective. I read that you could take a horse dewormer (by body weight!) of parantyl emanoate which apparently will get rid of a lot of worms. I also have read about this thing called a 'sputnik' which you swallow and it electrocutes the parasites in your gut.

Also my doctor has just prescribed me 1 tablet of mebendazole which I have read is pretty useless as it only gets rid of thread worms. I have just read about humaworm so I will probably take that although I have read herbal is not effective.


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