Re: Are you stressed tonight. Do you feel like you can't take it anymore???
You are sad aren't you? I would be lying if I said I wasn't.
It is our world today. There is too much going on earth.
This week for me seemed long and never ending.
I washed and washed and washed and still today I have something to wash.
That was just one job.
Shop,Cook,Sew,Clean should be enough.
But no, we sometimes have to be Dr. Mom, had to handle accounting, had to go get transactions completed, and the list is continuous of tasks to be handled later.
This Helps With Stress:
Magnesium-Kava Kava-L-Theanine-St. John's Wort-Brand Biochem Product Tension -Dr. W.H. Schuessler's Nerve Tonic.
Hyland's Homepathic (500 Tablets).
Drinking Tea helps with stress.
Valerian strong nervine but don't use that much. Use this for short-ter use.
This can cause mental depression in some people is use prolonged or excessive use.
(Valerian Not for small children.)