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about natural supplements/medications
mamaj Views: 1,203
Published: 16 y

about natural supplements/medications

Hello Ladies!

I have found myself in several discussions lately about natural remedies for our hormonal imbalances,(and that's what it boils down to-finding a solution to our individual UNIQUE imbalances-just take mirena out of the picture, we know the cause) and i think it is my responsibility to clarify a few things.

First, I wanted to stress something i mentioned what seems like many, many posts ago....

Just because something is made in nature, doesn't mean it is always safe. Check with your doctor-as I do-whenever possible. Many will interact with specific medications, and many have side effects. PLEASE, PLEASE look up these supplements for yourself and make sure they are right for YOU!

I also always try and start with a low dosage-and increase it if necessary, and start only one at a time. common sense-how else will we know what/how much works?

Second, sometimes traditional medical intervention IS necessary. Antidepressants (and other pharmeceutials)CAN be helpful. Personally, I think xanax is an extremely underutilized medication.....sometimes-supplements just aren't enough.

third, I find myself doling out a lot of advice, which, to be frank...
It makes me nervous to think that anyone out there is taking the information i give as "sage". I read, research, and I retain a good bit. I make educated GUESSES. I have no medical background, just common sense.

I love to be able to help out, and I will continue to do so, as long as anyone asks, (or usually, when they dont, lol) but I do tend to be a "butinski", and I really am not always right. I just care about all of you, and I want us all to get better!

*sending a great big HUG to all of you* Jill


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