Re: Liver Flush and Leaking Gut/IBS, major digestive issues, adrenal fatigue
They got you good didn't they? You see that's their program. Get you sooooo sick with soooo many diseases you're helpless to do anything about it to get your natural health back. They win, another one bites the dust.
Well, if you have the mental resolve for your comeback you can beat ALL of it.
Where to start? No more drugs - quit poisoning yourself. That in itself will eliminate a few problems. Legally I can't tell you to do that. So it's your decision.
Quit all the supplements you're taking, they can't do you any good right now anyway. The organs that clean and feed you (liver and colon) aren't working.
Start with a good antiparasite product. Barefoots DeWormer. If you can't take the full dose knock it down to what you can take and add from there. While on the bug killer add some good probiotics.
From there the colon will heal up a bit and then you can start liver decongestion.
It ain't easy coming from that far down but it IS doable.
Stck with the basics. Don't go vegetarian, drink distilled water and take a tablespoon of organic olive oil before bed.
If you're ready, it's doable. We'll be here.