Tons Of Kidney Cleanses Summed Up. And New Spin On WAtermelon cleanse?
its kinda weird.. actually says
Watermelon cleanse wont work unless this way, but it has.. heh
i found this from a site .. google cached it, but now its dead. plus i dont know if im alloud a link, but this seems to be great. and thanks to that site
Apple cider vinegar (use raw unpasteurized only), apples, asparagus, cherry juice, corn silk tea, cucumber, cranberries, dandelion greens, garlic, grapes, kidney bean pod water, lemon juice, boiled onions, pears, watercress,
Watermelon and their seeds, parsley, beet juice, pure water.
Watermelon Flush: Has to be eaten cut in little cubes, to hold in the mouth one cube every 3 to 5 minutes. Eaten in big gobs won't work. Do not eat or drink anything else that day. If
Watermelon is not available, pears will do almost the same. But it has to be eaten in small cubes to be effective. This treatment is one of the best kidney and bladder flushers (diuretic).
Watercress: Watercress-soaked in water taken every few minutes during the day also acts as a powerful natural diuretic. Soak a handful of fresh watercress in boiling water for an hour or until cooked enough to drink. Take a spoonful of this every hour for one full day, from early morning until sunset. The next day do the watermelon fast. You will be amazed at the amount of fluid you will void.
Raw Beet Juice: Take 1 teaspoon of fresh beet juice every 10 minutes all day....from morning till night. Nothing else that day. Do not take more than recommended. Do not drink large quantity of water that day as it could cause upset. Even kidney gravel and sulfa-formed crystals have been passed with this remedy.
Dandelion Tea: Is an old time remedy for kidney problems and water retention. This vegetable is a kidney stimulant.
Asparagus: Make a cooked asparagus puree. Take 4 tablespoons twice a day, morning and evening. Dilute with water, if desired, and use as a cold or hot drink. It helps dissolve
kidney stones and clean the kidneys.
Cherry Juice: Powerful to stop constant urination. Take one teaspoon of concentrated cherry juice in a glass of water several times a day.
Cranberry Juice: It is best to dilute in water with no
Sugar added. Helps regulate the flow of urine in the case of difficult urination. Commercial cranberry juice is loaded with sugar. Use unsweetened cranberry juice concentrate. You will find it in health food stores.
Garlic: Garlic can relieve a persistent bladder infection. Dice a little garlic, put it on a spoon and swallow it with water three times a day. This can help bladder infections in a few days. Fresh garlic can act as a potent bacteria killer. Cooked garlic does not work.
Lemon Juice: One of the most effective remedies. Simply drink the juice of one or two lemons a day mixed in water, between meals.
Parsley Juice Tea: Extremely valuable in removing poisons from the body. It is known to relieve inflammation of the kidneys and extremely painful kidney and bladder ailments.
YOU MUST DO THESE TREATMENTS UNTIL YOU GET THE DESIRED RESULTS. It may take several weeks to several months. Do not expect results in a few days. Bladder cleansing may take a few days, but kidney rejuvenation is a long term project.
Kidney failure is one of the major reasons for water retention and obesity. It takes a long time to get the kidneys to function at a high efficiency again. Some people have genetic weaknesses. If you are patient and persistent with the nutritional recommendations and supplements, you will gradually see changes and your kidneys will function better and better. If you quit before you get the desired results, you will keep your problem the rest of your life and it may even get worse. Be prepared to work in improving your situation for several months to a couple years.