Re: Heart Flutters?
yes it must be hormone related, i found the same post from women that use yasmin or yaz. it's all mirena related because it's all hormone related just like all the other complaints and recalls.
See below, published as mineral and vitamin imbalances caused by taking birth control pills:
The following lists certain disease states and Vitamin and Mineral deficiencies that can be associated with the condition. Clicking on the condition will take the reader to an explanation for the association of the particular vitamin/mineral deficiency.
A, B3, B5, C, Zn, S, XS~I
Angina-Angina Pectoris -
Pain in the centre of the chest, which is induced by exercise and relieved by rest and may spread to the jaws and arms. It occurs when the demand for blood by the heart exceeds the supply of the coronary arteries.(Chest Pain-note the B's here and MAGNESIUM)
Deficiencies: C, Cr, B12, 13, 15, Mg; XS~Ni
B6, C, Ca, Mg; XS~Ar.
B1, 3, 12, 13, C, Mn, Zn; XS~F, Al, Cu.
B1, 5, 6, 12, 15, Fe, Ca, P, K, Choline, Mg; XS~ B6, Fe, F.
Ca, CoQ10, E, Inositol, K, Mg, Cr, Na; XS~E, Cu, Cd, Ar, Hg.
C, Mg; XS~I, Ar.
Cu, C, I; XS~Ca, I, Mo, Ar.
B3, 5, Cr, Biotin, K, Mn, Zn.
XS~ B3
A, B2, 3, 5, 6, 12, Biotin,Ca, Inositol, Mg, K; XS~Bvitamins, Ni, Hg, Pb.
Muscle Twitching-(MAGNESIUM)
Splitting Nails
A, I, Si, S; XS~Mn.
Sweating (excess) (IMPORTANT)
Mg, Mn, Ni, Si; XS~Mn.
B vitamins, C, E, Bioflavonoids.
Wakefulness & Vivid Dreams
How the Vitamin / Mineral functions within the disorder.
Vitamin B1-
normal functioning of the nervous system- prod. of action potentials & acetyl choline.
Vitamin B3-
It’s active forms NADP & NAD coenzymes are needed for more than 200 reactions in the body. Vasodilation , cellular respiration & biosynthesis.
Vitamin B12-
Essential for the functioning of all cells; DNA & RNA formation; functional integrity of myelin sheath; formation of healthy RBC’s.
Vitamin B13
-Synthesis of bases for RNA & DNA.
Vitamin C -
Neurotransmitter production- serotonin and dopamine; increases cyclic AMP; nec. for conversion of folate to folacin; works with Vit. E as antioxidant; detoxifies body.
Production of Dopamine; Role in brain function- stim. cAMP & regulating role in action of several neurotransmitters; pituitary function.
Foetal N.S. development; structure of myelin sheath; pineal gland & hippocampus.
Mucopolysaccharide functions- regulation of metabolites and water in connective tissue.
Vitamin B12-
RBC production & haem production (oxygen carrying to the cells).
Vitamin E-
Capillary dilation & increased collateral circulation.
Initiates skeletal muscle contraction;
Initiates skeletal muscle contraction; sedative to nervous system.Calcium- Normal irritability of nerves; coenzyme to acetylcholine esterase- destroys acetyl choline; allows nerves to return to resting phase after action potential by decreasing permeability of the membrane to Na.; need Ca to trigger release of various substances e.g. hormones , neurotransmitters.
Muscle relaxation; prevents arterial spasm; function in normal nerve irritability by decreasing the sensitivity of motor end plates to acetyl choline.
Vitamin B2-
Necessary for cellular growth; acts with Vit A in helping maintain the health of mucous membranes & integrity of the epithelial tissue.
Vitamin B9-
Methylation reactions - nec. for all rapidly dividing tissues; RBC production- thus oxygen & nutrients to tissues.
Vitamin A-
maintains all skin, mucous membranes, epithelial membranes; immune function, decreases sensitivity to pollutants, membrane integrity, increases lymphocytes, increases resistance to infection and cancer.
Vitamin B2-
acts with Vit A in maintaining mucous membranes and integrity of epithelial tissue.
Muscle Twitching -
Excessive muscle contraction.
decreases the sensitivity of motor end plates to acetyl choline (defic. causes "over-excitability").
important function of the thymus gland (immune system); production of retinol binding protein (thus Vit A prod., thus skin etc).
Vitamin B6-
improves liver function.
In high concentration in the retina and lens; action unknown; decreased zinc> direct vision painful, difficulty adjusting to bright lights.
Splitting Nails -
Finger nails Split
Silica- Mucopolysaccharide functions- nail growth; forms a structural part of collagen; gives strength.
Cell differentiation and growth; maintenance of skin and hair; stabilises and controls most biochemical reactions.
Part of the three S- containing a.a.s - methionine, cysteine and cystine; Muccopolysaccharides, an essential part of connective tissue- strength and elasticity- important for body structure, intracellular ground substance, cell coat.
XS Mn-
abnormalities in bone and cartilage- retard growth ( especially hair and nails).
Varicose Veins -
veins that are distended, lengthened and tortuous. Dilated with incompetent valves.
B Complex-
Maintenance of strong blood vessels and protection against capillary fragility.
Vitamin C-
Formation of collagen used in blood vessel walls; removes calcium out of tissues and keeps it in solution to prevent atheromas adhering to blood vessel wall; antioxidant to prevent free radical damage to vessels.
Blood vessel strengthener; increases capillary resistance; aids with absorption and utilisation of Vitamin C.
Vitamin E-
Blood vessel dilator; improves circulation and venous return; prevents clots and blockages; antiprothrombic.
Hypothyroidism -
Reduced activity of the thyroid gland.
Needed to convert T3 to T4.
Vitamin C-
Increases cell production and action of hormones and stabilises thyroxine.
Part of thyroid hormones.
XS Calcium-
Sedative; decreases basal metabolic rate.
Burning Feet -
A neurologic disorder characterised by symptoms of a burning sensation in the soles of the foot.
Vitamin B1-
normal functioning of the nervous system- prod. of action potentials & acetyl choline.
Vitamin B5-
Synthesis of the myelin sheath; synthesis of acetyl choline.
Vitamin B2-
Needed for tryptophan (a.a for N.S.), B1 B6 for B3 production.
Wakefulness & Vivid Dreams -
sleeplessness or insomnia; (of light or colour) bright, intense.
Cramps -
Prolonged painful contraction of a muscle.
Vitamin B6-
Helps form co-enzyme A-need B6 to activate B5; involved in the Na/K pump; magnesium dependent.
Vitamin C-
Neurotransmitter production- serotonin and dopamine; increases cyclic AMP; nec. for conversion of folate to folacin; takes Ca out of tissues and keeps it in solution.
Vitamin C- Maturation of RBCs and release of Fe from ferritin- transport of O2 and nutrients to cardiac cells; adrenal cortex production of corticosteroids- mineralocorticoids- fluid balance- blood volume and blood pressure- hypertension; decreases cholesterol- decreased VLDLs- decreased atheromas (cause of reduction of blood from coronary arteries); takes Ca out of tissues and keeps it in solution to prevent atheromas in vessels.
Chromium- Synthesis of fatty acids, TGs and cholesterol- VLDLs- atheromas; component of GTF & maintenance of normal blood
Sugar levels- decreases blood viscosity- decreases formation of atheromas.
Vitamin B12- Essential for functioning of all cells.
Vitamin B13 -Lipid metabolism- decreases TGs and cholesterol
Vitamin B15- Oxygen sparing effect, promotes cellular respiration, decreases hypoxia.
Magnesium- Muscle relaxation by restricting Ca re-entry into cell- dilates arteries and prevents arterial spasm.
Epilepsy - A disorder of brain function characterised by recurrent seizures that have sudden onset. Caused by an uncontrolled electrical discharge from the nerve cells of the cerebral cortex.
Vitamin B9- Choline synthesis; synthesis of noradrenaline; helps to metabolise some of the long chain fatty acids in the brain.
Magnesium- decreases the sensitivity of motor end plates to acetyl choline (defic. causes "over-excitability").
Zinc- Foetal N.S. development; structure of myelin sheath; pineal gland & hippocampus which controls pituitary- secretion of hormones.
Hyperthyroidism - An excess of glucose in the bloodstream .It may occur in a variety of diseases, most commonly in diabetes mellitus, due to insufficient insulin in the blood and excessive intake of carbohydrates.
XS B3- Metabolism of carbohydrates (overstimmulation).
Copyright © The Australian Naturopathic Network 1998
1/05-8/06. Painful congestion in both ears, chest pain under left breast, heart murmur, palps, melasma. Extreme exhaustion/fatigue and weakness. Elevated potassium levels. Re-occurring bronchitis-9 months. B12, Folic Acid and Vitamin D deficiency.