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Please help, please see my message!!
zeon Views: 2,412
Published: 16 y

Please help, please see my message!!

Hi, i have been looking in curezone for a while. I hope this is the place to post my problem.

I am only 19 years old and I have been experiencing heart palpitations for about a year. It is with me every second, even when i am resting. I haven been experiencing a day or a second without heart palpitations for a year. =(

I recently went for blood test check up and it shows that my thyroid is normal. I had ECG taking twice before and it shows that my heart is normal but i can really feel the difference between now and two years ago. I had also went to see a heart specialist and he says my heart is normal. But i experience hard heartbeats pumping and irregularities sometimes.

Is there anything that might be causing it and any other advices will be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for helping.


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