Re: Herbal Spray III
Herbal Spray III is for arthritis joints, such as hips/knees/wrist, etc....WHEN used on tender skin, it has some cayenne in it and will feel like cayenne, especially if your sweating or hot.
Water can help if it is cold.
Otherwise since the cayenne in an "OIL", rubbing Olive Oil on the effected parts will dilute the cayenne and stop it.
Always self-experiment slowly when on unknown territory.
Cayenne can do wonderous things for male and female when applied in certain areas and the cayenne has no heat, the skin made the heat as a result of the "fear"......SO IT IS A FACT, as you see cayenne as not a bad thing, eventually you can consume the stuff with no fear and the body makes no repelling acids, etc....This is why some people can freely eat habaneros with no heat. While others just rub some peppers on their skin and they will feel like they are on fire.....IT IS ALL a "FEAR" Factor...
If you try this next time, only use a light mist.