Far Infra Red Sauna
I've heard Far Infra Red Sauna can help with sinus/allergy problem. Pls see the Far Infra Red Sauna Hyperthermia Forum in Curezone. I had Herpes in mouth and had sat in a Far Infra Red Sauna once for the first time of 5 minutes, then another 5 minutes of 110 degrees Centigrade. However, I don't like the Herpes move around my head that I don't use far infra red sauna anymore. For those who do not have viruses, pls research if this kills the bacteria or whatever in the sinus.
Pls be careful that first session is 5 minutes only, and you silicone implants in head, face, or anybody parts is said to melted by 120 degrees centigrade, but to be careful set the temperature to 110 degree only for some spa turned on the sauna the whole day that the temperature said 110 degree is already 115 degree in atmosphere. Also, some people said
Amalgams must be removed before going in sauna as mercury vapor can come out from teeth and spread to tissues and body part.
http://www.hightechhealth.com, or read Dr. Shelley Rogers book " Detox or Die ".