15 y
Re: I finally spoke up on the harrassment at work about BO....
Beautiful - let me tell you - YOU DID THE RIGHT THING. Especially by not giving the names. When I read you message my eyes were filled with tears. I too went to my supervisor who was also the HR manager at the time some years ago and explained to her that I was being harassed daily, ugly comments made, sniffing jestures and perfumes spread over me on a daily basis and I didn't know what to do about it. I explained just like you that my co-workers seemed like good people but were very insensitive to what I'm going through. She asked me who they were, I gave her there names and I believe because I did that, it made it worse. She went and talked to all of them and told them that I said they were doing these things. After that I was treated 10 times worse than before I went to her. You definitely did the right thing in speaking up about it, but chosing not to give names was a brilliant idea. But the thing is how would've I have known it would've turned out that way.
Its so funny, I enventually left that job after 5 years but I remember they also had a graveyard shift that I thought of working on often to see if that would help me. Now I'm at a new place with a lot of the same problems so go figure.
I'm just trying now to focus on finding a way out of this horrible situation. Stay positive about the situation. I'm sure it'll all work out for you in the end.