Am looking for how to go about weight-loss...
I have been reading various forums, especially the Iodine Supp forum for quite some time now and have noticed that your knowledge seems to be a beneficial tool for others. I have come now to your personal forum to ask about weight loss.
I am approximately 50-60 lbs above the ideal weight for my height and just don't know where to start. A liver flush? A parasites cleanse? A candida cleanse? Supplementation?
I have already begun to make dietary changes and have been increasing my intake of raw fruits and vegetables and strictly limiting unhealthy foods over the past 3 months. I am feeling better, but the weight hasn't gone anywhere. I know that I am highly toxic from years of abusing my body and my metabolism is probably out of whack from years of yo-yo dieting and most recently a year or two of heavily restricting my intake (only to fall back to binging).
I have done the mental aspect: coming to terms with old traumas and have cured the toxic thoughts that have caused me to eat unhealthily and abuse my body in the past. I am ready to jump in head first and achieve optimal health. Right now, I am dealing with metabolic syndrome and thyroid issues (fine TSH levels, but enlarged thyroid). I need a jump-start and some advice...