Re: Chlorine Dioxide (MMS) and Milk for 1 Year Old - Okay to do?
"I wouldn't."
Well, that is your choice.
"I might use this on my kid if my kid had malaria or something but not at 1:5"
"Might use", "or something" indicate uncertainty and thus lack of experience. Not helpful to me.
"Why would you start at an adult dose?"
I wouldn't necessarily. My original question was worded as "Should I?" not a statement like "I am going to."
"You sound so sure about using it that it comes across to me as alarmingly reckless."
How so? The way I see that you could be alarmed at what I said is if you misinterpreted my words. I asked what dosage is appropriate for an infant of 22
lbs. I made no statements indicating my intention to move forward with a particular dosage. Obviously, at the appropriate dosage based on body weight and concentration is safe, but too high a dosage and/or concentration could be fatal. I am well aware. You may turn off your alarms. :)
"This is a powerful chemical. It's not a Flintstone vitamin or Rescue Remedy."
I realize the potency of this compound. Please do not assume my level of awareness in regards to this.
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