Re: pulling oils
You must have been exhaling flowers!!!
I pull faithfully first thing as I'm showering. I wait until I've dried my hair to spit, unless I start to gag. I'm starting to feel those seasonal allergies, and my body is fighting with more mucus, but I've managed to keep the allergies at bay for the last 3 years since starting to pull. Seriously, I was on medication before I found Oil Pulling.
The more mucus, the harder it is to go the full 20 minutes. But I swear, if I cough up a bunch of mucus, I can breathe so well. My chest and sinuses feel amazing. If I ever feel like I'm getting too much of the stuff, I will pull before dinner. If I feel the onset of the slightest cold symptom I add oil of oregano for one week.
I've hardly been sick since OPing. To me it's almost a miracle. Mucus just sucks, and OP very efficiently seems to rid the body of it. Amazing really.
Other's don't think you need to pull everyday. If I miss some time, my teeth start feeling sensitive again, and the color gets duller. My skin and hair do not look as healthy. I would be hard pressed to discontinue for any length of time. I still believe its an effective transport of EFA's and that is more than enough reason to continue on a daily basis.