Re: Mineral Deficiency - not absorbing?
Hair analysis can be accurate but with the shampoos available nowadays they tend to throw the results off somewhat.
Food supplements is the way to go. Synthetics ARE drugs, don't want to be putting them in there.
You're doing most things right. The only thing I can see is to add some of Barefoots DeWormer into the mix and then flush the liver.
Order 4 bottles of his DeWormer and follow the 2,2,2 rule. Dosage - 1 tablespoon. First two weeks four time a day, 10 minutes before breakfast, lunch, and dinner, then at bedtime. Second two weeks twice a day, before lunch and at bedtime. Third two months once a day before bed. Maintanance is every third day for a year. Four times on that one day.
Two weeks into that procedure do the liver flush. Preferably the coke flush.
Parasites are hard on the intestinal flora thus the Candida so you'll need to get some good probiotics. I recommend Flora Source. Easy to find on the Internet.
Drink distilled water the rest of your life and take a daily shot of organic olive oil, about a tablespoon will do, wash it down with fruit juice if you have to. And get some good Celtic Seasalt for the ionic minerals.
The absobtion problem stems from not enough bile in the food bolis as it passes through.
Kill the bugs, decongest the liver and get some good probiotics going in.